Thursday, February 10, 2011


You gotta have faith...for me its like my morning coffee,(which I don't drink) I wouldn't be able to start my day without it. Faith to me is the foundation for everything, I mean, think about it...we don't know what to expect in our day to day lives, we don't know what the future holds, and we don't know that we are always making the right decisions in life, but with faith you can have some peace of mind that your heart and your mindset is in the right place so everything will fall into place. Sometimes life can bring tons of tests and challenges, so through it all I put my faith in God. Reading the book of  Psalms always comforts me and encourages me in my faith. Seriously, just wake up tomorrow and turn to the book of Psalms and see don't  you feel encouraged and confident about your day. For that reason you will find most of my "faith topics" for my blog will be in reference to the book of Psalms.  Today, I must admit I woke up a little discouraged, tired and overwhelmed so I immediately poured myself a big cup of "coffee" this morning. I have so much that I am doing and want to do that my mind is constantly on the go as  am I. At the end of the day, God knows your heart so I was very grateful that today the Lord blessed me to come upon this scripture:

I waited patiently for God to help me; then He listened and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out from the bog and the mire, and set my feet on a hard, firm path and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things He did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in Him. (Psalms 40:1-3)

To me this scripture says no matter what life brings your way, keep the faith, start your day with faith and look to God and he will not only give you strength for your day and see you through but bless you to get others to see as well, (hence this blog). Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My desire...

I have been getting tons of compliments on my family blog about how I appear to keep it all together...with that, I get that question of:

  "just how do you do it girl? I mean your married to a professional athlete, you travel the world with 4 kids, you cook, you clean, you write, you have your own business, and you find time to give back and volunteer. Honestly, you should create a blog about that!" 

Well, first of all let me say thank you so much! I've definitely been inspired. But don't we all do this? We women don't get enough appreciation sometimes. However, I do what I do for Him,  (So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31).
From the day I could read the bible I was inspired by the Proverbs 31 scripture. It was my desire when I became a wife, to mirror her image for Him, my Husband, myself, my family and mostly my salvation. So, to receive these compliments at first, I said " it seriously noticeable to others?" "Ok, wow!" At the end of the day I really take these compliments humbly and don't think I can teach or preach to anyone. I am a perfectionist and I try to do everything right, but I don't think I'm better than anyone. Growing up I use to hear all the time "Hm, she thinks she is all that!" Um, no I never said that, but whatever!;) My point is...I don't want you to get the wrong impression of this blog, in fact, if you are also a Godly woman, you know better than to judge. Lol! 
I appreciate any wisdom and insight from other Godly and positive women as well and I just want you to enjoy and hey!...most of you asked for it anyway. is my desire, (with this blog) to inspire any and all women on the subjects of faith, family, fashion, fitness, fun, food and wine! Remember, I'm no expert, but I am "The Virtuous Woman." Enjoy and be blessed!:)